Step 3. Make your first recording

Before making your first recording, please, install your smartphone under your windshield like a dashcam. Our positioning algorithm relies on GPS and reasonable 🌤 lighting conditions (just don't record at night or indoors and it will be ok).

!! Make sure the camera is stable and the view is not blocked by anything.

!! Make sure the camera is set horizontally.

For now, you don't need to change any default settings. To start recording proceed through the following actions:

Choose “Drive mode”, 60 fps, and start Record button

When you are done with the recording, press the Stop button.

Please note that the optimal duration for the session is 3-5 miles.

👍 Well done! You're finished with your first recording. Now it is time to prepare and process the data to see the results. Don't worry, you won't need any tech skills for that.

Last updated