Data storage period and removal

Q: How long is the video kept for?

A: By default, the data is stored for three years after the last subscription date.

Q: Is the video completely removed from storage solutions once the analysis is complete. Is the video or collected/generated data shared with any other companies/data providers/third parties?

A: In general, by using our platform, the customer gives Roadly permission to access, process, and publish or display any data uploaded unless otherwise specified in the agreement. All the data uploaded is processed to remove sensitive content - pedestrians and vehicles are blurred. Alternatively, we can secure your data from being published as a special clause in the agreement.

Q: Is the video/data fully removed from your systems when a customer terminates their subscription/account with Roadly?

A: By default, the data is stored for three years after the last subscription date. Afterward, Roadly will make a decision as to whether the source data will be kept or not. Alternatively, we can include a special clause in the agreement to ensure that your data is not stored after the subscription expires.

Last updated