Asset Inspection (Count Anything)


With Roadly PRO you can localize and count any secondary assets - road signs, guardrails, traffic lights, etc. You are not limited to a predefined set of objects - we can find, detect and localize on the map anything you want in the video based on your text request.

Main features

  • no limited list of objects (find anything using text prompts)

  • use the same videos you have recorded for PCI evaluation or record new fresh videos with our RecSLAM app

  • fast processing: depending on the complexity of your search request, you will see the results within several hours


Switch to Assets Inspection mode

You can switch between Assets Inspection and PCI inspection mode using this menu:

Choose target roads

Once you've opened the Asset Inspection layout, choose the roads where you want to find assets on the map by clicking on them (lasso tool is upcoming in the future releases).

Search prompt

In the search panel enter the name of the asset you want to find. To find several assets, enter them using space and a dot as a divider (i.e. "road sign . traffic light . utility pole").

Search parameters and presets

Object size and additional parameters can help to find some specific objects - but you should use them with care: setting some margin values may lead to a decrease in the search quality. Most searches will be successful with the predefined values.

We have also prepared presets - oftenly used searches with optimal parameters. To use them switch to the "Presets" tab, choose the object, and press "Run":

Request status

After you launch the search request, it will be processed within several hours depending on the territory and search complexity. You can see the request status under the search panel:

When processing is finished, request status will be "Success":

Results (Assets on the map)

Once the request is processed, you will see the objects on the map.

Click on their icon to open an image and additional data.

Last updated