Data export and external software

Q: Are we able to extract and use the data in our internal GIS solutions? If so, would the data belong to the customer and we could use this beyond our subscription/business relationship? A: Once a PCI index is calculated, the user can download a report of the road network. Also, Roadly provides customers with the ability to download vector layers of the PCI and defects in geojson format that is supported with almost every GIS system. Besides, we allow our users to download initial data, such as video and GPS during the subscription period and three years after.

Q: How is the GIS data shared with customers (Ie. csv downloads, shape file extracts, publishing to GIS web services)? A: The user is able to download data in csv or any other accepted format for use in external systems. If you require another format that is not currently provided by Roadly, then we can add it to the system by the delivery date.

Q: How does the solution handle identifying and ignoring repetitive data for the same locations (Ie. pothole exists in the same location across numerous videos – does this come through numerous times or is there a way to flag changes in condition)

A: This question is more about point-based assets than PCI. As our current solution is PCI, other assets are on the roadmap.

Roadly has a more complex pipeline using the 3D representation of objects. It allows us to identify the global location of each unique asset and, therefore, aggregate them between sessions but it takes much more processing resources and time (not competitive to simplified processing made for PCI).

Q: Does your program have export capability to excel spreadsheets? Does it do reports?

A: Our program does offer the ability to export data to Excel spreadsheets and generate reports, which can be divided by streets and exported as per your data requirements.

Last updated